Wednesday, August 29, 2007

How My World Has Changed

Duration: 09:27 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-18 04:57:07
User: Neotrific
:::: Favorites

...the last six years.

emoislikecool ::: Favorites
someone got a new webcam? I can see you look really hotter.
07-08-18 20:10:43
Neotrific ::: Favorites
lol.. thanks
07-08-19 02:07:52
TheFamousStacie ::: Favorites
One of my biggest fears is that of losing my parents. As an adult you would think I would start to get used to the idea, but I have not.
07-08-18 12:35:31
Neotrific ::: Favorites
It really is scary, and the drive to the hospital was mind-numbing. I'm not embarrassed to admit that I was broke down in the ER when I got there because I got a look at his VS and disobeyed Hippa rules and grabbed his chart...his cardiac enzymes were all within norm--only a slight elevation of one, but not the key indicator that would have shown damage to heart muscle. I don't think any of adults get used to the idea. I simply do not want to lose him. I'm a major worrier.
07-08-18 13:04:35
TheFamousStacie ::: Favorites
I had a similar shock when my dad was admitted into the hospital with chest pain a couple weeks ago. He is so strong and healthy. very surreal. He is fine now, but that call in the middle of the night was ... indescribable.
07-08-18 13:21:34
kenrg ::: Favorites
I'm sure you were quite annoying as a devotee. And far less amusing, as well.
07-08-18 12:34:16
Neotrific ::: Favorites
LOL.. that is perfectly stated.
07-08-18 12:58:02
koreamy ::: Favorites wishes for your pa.....good video neotrific...........Amy
07-08-18 12:24:46
Neotrific ::: Favorites
Thank you, Amy.
07-08-18 12:56:52
thefrozenghost ::: Favorites
I thought you were going to talk about the "God Gene", too...interesting stuff.
07-08-18 10:23:40
Neotrific ::: Favorites
I did a bit in the original, but the whole spiel was 16 minutes so I had to trim it all down.. lol. But, yes, the God Gene thing is interesting material. I tend to think of it as not just a simple biological thing but, perhaps, a part of ourselves that connects us to the big picture (life, universe, the evolution of consciousness).
07-08-18 12:56:36

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