Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Kathi Winkler und Oli P.

Duration: 02:42 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-11-01 14:48:41
User: bennet4lolita

bei | Stars | auf | Eis | sie 


bei Stars auf Eis, sie tanzen zu Dirty Dancing


oOMiNkOo  2008-01-20 05:19:12

die ist ja jezt auch ind jurry die kathi
tltody  2007-12-27 06:35:45

kathi ein heißer feger
Technomicky  2007-12-14 06:33:23

Ha stimmt, aber als Moderator ist er ne Plage :-(
RlCARDA  2006-11-24 10:53:59

Oli ist wirklich ein erstklassiger Tänzer - es macht soviel Spaß ihm zuzusehen. Danke fürs Video.
lover0487  2006-11-08 17:24:09

Super gemacht, Oli P ist einfach ein super Tänzer ob auf Eis oder nicht. Aber der Auftritt heute war viel besser *zwinker* go oli ..

my runescape bank

Duration: 07:53 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-12 07:41:21
User: guitargod909

alice | chains | guns | roses | bank 


well yeah thats my bank its uh kinda messy feel free to add me my runescape name is root beer909


pepsicool66  2008-01-21 16:33:39

and im his friend rootbeer2009
Jman665665  2008-01-12 10:28:06

decent bank, better than mine, but try and do some quests to get rid of the quest items and get 42(maybe have to get more to get a chest) construction to put random event clothing in a chest instead of taking up bank space

Kickass Killers

Duration: 02:11 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-15 05:47:14
User: ExtremeTeam01

Kickass | Killers | Wrestling | Swanton | Bomb 


MaD And ...Venom...


ExtremeTeam01  2007-12-06 02:19:43

DisturbedRokker  2007-11-11 17:45:41

which 1 is u?
tinydbcwchamp  2007-10-13 17:15:03

i got new videos there called the best of bcw part 1 and 2
tinydbcwchamp  2007-10-13 17:13:56

hey wats up man its tinydbcwchamp thanks for your reply.And dont worry we started like you guys,you'll soon be like us when ur our age
Zant2  2007-10-06 21:19:00

you guys are crazy

Tibette - Jen&Lu - Only One For Me

Duration: 02:21 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-28 14:21:24
User: PureInfatuation

word | tlw | tibette | tina | bette 


Another Tibette fan vid, includes pics & vids...also the music takes a bit to get into but when it does it's an awesome song.


metalgirlxxx  2008-02-02 20:40:51

Best couple on The l Word.
lashen2  2008-02-01 18:29:53

is there some photos from season 5? at 00:38; 00:47; 01:42; 01:52. the music is great!
mukkona74  2008-01-31 11:56:32

beautiful vid!where is the pic from 1:55 from?thanks
PureInfatuation  2008-01-29 07:37:06

Thanks a lot. It's from the S1 promos.
anerfy  2008-01-29 07:10:58

great vid thanks! where is the black and white pic from 2:05 from?

Valentine's And Beyond....

Duration: 04:55 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-14 11:46:08
User: littleradge

Littleradge | Valentines | Day | Essay | Upstaged 


The bags under my eyes due to complete lack of sleep are evident, lol. Vote for these guys! nao!!! Todd: Mike: Rohan:


Jetterz12  2008-02-19 13:01:56

HAHA great video!! :D
bigxminh  2008-02-17 23:37:43

I had to watch that video twice because I'm mildly retarded. well no, but I started watching it and realised you had an accent and started paying so much attention to that, that I actually forgot you were talking about something. I'll give you a moment to let the magnitude of my stupidity sink in. Still I'm glad I watched it, 5 stars and a subscriber =)
RoboFillet  2008-02-17 21:31:53

The 4th of April. And you're on exactly 100 now! You are so going to overtake me in two months. Congratulations!
littleradge  2008-02-17 19:38:37

Thank you thank you thank you, and yes yes yes!
littleradge  2008-02-17 19:37:56

Awesome saucem, I see that now it's shot up again! You may yet reach your target- what was the date?

رئاسة الهلال

Duration: 00:27 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-01 22:46:26
User: onthemoon15

رئاسة الهلال


fa1617  2008-02-18 02:05:36

ههههههههههههههههههه حلوه رحمة الله عليه
hawey5  2008-02-15 15:22:29

الله يرحمه ويغفر له والهلال كبير برجاله
kent606  2008-02-12 06:46:42

الله يرحمه ويغفر له
Saudi0american  2008-02-11 09:01:25

ALLAH ya r7mk May ALLAH bless him
EMII1980  2008-02-10 17:31:06

اصلا الهلال ما يتشـرف

公主小妹 Romantic Princess Episode 13 Part 4 of 6

Duration: 09:54 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-09 16:33:47
User: rainie777

Romantic Princess Episode 13 Part 4


satusahaja  2008-02-16 13:51:07

its so funny&romantic.. lovely sia:)
unfaithfulx  2008-02-16 07:04:42

wah.. it gets more hilarious everytime!
x3fuse  2008-02-15 02:45:09

yes lol
satusahaja  2008-02-09 08:55:00

so funny&warm...but too bad xiaomai is leaving le...
classicjw  2008-02-03 08:29:10

HAHAHAH! 1.06 damn cute!


Duration: 03:08 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-14 12:37:59
User: BerlinaleTC

Berlinale | Talent | Campus | Garage | Studio 


The second short film to come out of the Garage Studio. It Could Happen To You by Juliana Block, with crew members and Campus participants Rachel Rath, Leonard Lehmann, William Whitwham, and Juan Miguel Salas Rodriguez. Mentor: Mike Figgis.


Sagenth  2008-02-20 06:25:54

Unfortunately, some people can get to the ripe old ages of 90 and still not get this.. ;p I still have hope for the human race though, some people can use their minds, maybe they will spread the base ability. Teach people to use their mind. One can hope.
stormtracker257  2008-02-20 00:08:20

Mr. Kubrick, I presume? This is much the same response one garners from a Stanley Kubrick production. Thought provoking. Stirring. Evoking great debate. Well done, once again.
Richardoma  2008-02-19 23:08:52

This is very good. took me a few times of watching it to actually fully understand the message. very well done.
xkayne  2008-02-19 22:36:18

Wow, it hit me on the second time watching. The narrator is recalling an e-mail she got from a friend, which was probably more like a chain mail thing. Some chain mails just don't make sense(used condoms), and it scares you. But think about it. What's the right thing to do, if it happened to you?
towndrunk596  2008-02-19 22:32:11

its supposed to show that the worse doesnt always happens. like it might happen to one but not all. i think at least. prety deep hard to tell

Saleen S7 Commercial feat. Seu Jorge e BiD

Duration: 00:60 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-04 21:59:54
User: tomroadrunner

tomroadrunner | saleen | commercial | ITT | tech 


*Comments are always encouraged!* WOO HOO! 1000 views! Class project for Broadcast Graphics class. Sorry for the low audio quality, but Im working on compressing it better so that I can preserve the quality... The song is "E Depois" by Seu Jorge and BiD. I figured that I should be the only person to make this commercial WITHOUT techno or death metal playing in the background, lol


bubbles2911811  2007-12-15 06:51:26

Nice Movie Guys :-) F.Y.I _atomicfeedback.com_
tomroadrunner  2007-12-04 21:43:38

thanks yall
kaymelster  2007-12-03 15:33:32

the video my man
tomroadrunner  2007-10-23 23:24:23

what do you mean? the car or the video? lol
magnificent10304  2007-10-23 23:03:33

should be produced


Duration: 00:43 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-30 10:11:01
User: yujiobaba

2004年7月10日のサガン鳥栖戦 横浜FC・GKの菅野孝憲がゴール 詳細:菅野孝憲


eatsleepcricket  2008-02-14 07:14:26

I was there at this game, behind the Yokohama FC goal. But I bent down to get a drink when YFC won the free kick at the far end, thinking there would be nothing major happening for a moment... this is the first time I've got to see the goal - magic!
o00user00o  2008-01-18 13:49:46

wow keeper vs keeper.....n waaaaa that was a big kick. sigoyidesne~!