Saturday, April 12, 2008

Challenge austin 1st Challenge

Duration: 02:00 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-11 13:37:56

KawarimiFreak's Challenge i challenge u to fight protoman sp with the following, have prog: antidmg,humor(in to make bug), and any hp progs u need for later on explanation, chips lower then 100 attack, no reflectors or yoyo, only megachip u can use is roll(u cant power her up[V1 only]) must have folder with 4 attack plus 10 in it


tevyef  2008-02-05 23:44:23

of course it's blurry, it's from a handheld game...
darkthief325  2007-03-23 06:36:48

what does hubact do!
pokemonnoob78  2007-01-15 16:59:56

whats with the screen...its all blury(to lazy to spell)
darkguy9944  2007-01-12 09:08:39

i no but O well
KawarimiFreak  2007-01-11 19:11:33

that was a close one eh? considering the fact tht its hard to do lol, u nulled the humor bug, but it couldve helped u lol

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