Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Chapters of Paper Mario - Chapter 7 Part 4

Duration: 13:16 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-02 21:52:31

Part 1 of Crystal Palace


EtcMaster  2008-03-20 22:07:42

anyways if u want some tips on fiting bowser, stock up on regular food supply, then when u get to the goomba store, take out ur best items except for a few so u can use some during the rest of the way there. (unless u fite anti-squad, then it's hard...) And u should save whackas for making dewluxe meal, goto the ghost mansion, shake the bush, get a strange leaf, then cook the leaf and bump= deluxe meal, (40 hp and mp) And combine ur ultras and jellies.
americangirljulie  2008-02-29 17:49:27

you just have to guess again
Pixlking  2008-02-15 11:10:26

You have to fight these stupid Doopliss intruders.
Cultevel81  2008-01-18 20:39:18

Hmm I wonder what would happen if you hit the wrong person.....
KriiL08  2008-01-13 22:31:29

jaja youre sounds are funny

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