Friday, February 15, 2008

Monsanto's Toxic Milk - Banned in Europe

Duration: 03:01 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-08 16:10:48
User: EpiphanyProductions

monsanto  milk  toxic  cancer  banned  prisonplanet  infowars  

Description: Why is American Milk Banned in Europe? American dairy milk is genetically-modified unless it's labeled "NO rBGH" Genetically-engineered bovine growth hormone (rBGH) in milk increases cancer risks. American dairy farmers inject rBGH to dairy cows to increase milk production. European nations and Canada have banned rBGH to protect citizens from IGF-1 hazards. Monsanto Co., the manufacturer of rBGH, has influenced U. S. product safety laws permitting the sale of unlabeled rBGH milk. (Monsanto would lose billions of dollars if rBGH were banned in America.) Keep milk hormone ban, says farmers: Europe reviews milk drug ban:


O24Uallok  2008-02-10 17:58:28

good to see some anger coming out. But, please before you get too angry, learn about ghandi. Anger is a power to be absorbed within your own body, and then used as a power to make change happen. Ghandi style.
CanadianBeaver  2008-02-09 17:35:29

Milk and water and meat and vegitables we are going to be Fu**ed if we dont take Back our Lands and Our Minds and Lives from the Corparations that see US as Money and as Long as we just Survive we are slaves to these Greed driven Elites. Empower Yourself to Empower the world. Thanks for the Time To Share. Peace and Love!
hunterswine  2008-02-08 18:52:36

americans and the whole world for that matter are asleep at the breakfast table.
screwopenborders  2008-02-08 18:04:07

Wow these fucking scumbags need to be brought before congress! I'm going to call them and bitch at them for this! I've already seen 3 other videos like this and its really pissing me off!

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