Friday, October 12, 2007

Radio Talk Show Host Discusses National ID & Ron Paul

Duration: 10:54 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-07 17:37:39
User: Redpill4u
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Warren Ballentine (Syndication 1), Joe Madison (WOL, Wash. DC) and Charles Goyette (KFNX, Phoenix, AZ) discusses issues about NY issuing driver licenses to illegals which will usher in an National ID card for all citizens, the political parties pandering to corporations. Charles endorses Ron Paul for President.


jortizz ::: Favorites
Joe Madison makes a great point here. Media should focus on issues not on how much money candidates can raise.
07-10-10 02:19:42
07-10-09 14:21:12
BUDDAWG2004 ::: Favorites
wow the revolution is up to 2% of the vote . go ron go!
07-10-09 14:02:34
Dreepa ::: Favorites
Nice. The revolution is growing. Spread the word off the internet as well. ronpaulhq . com
07-10-09 13:39:54
ui334 ::: Favorites
2008horserace. com has been deleting votes for Ron Paul! Vote Ron Paul, set the record straight.
07-10-09 04:22:11
lidixmang ::: Favorites
wow! this was a great conversation among intelligent people. Thanks to Lou Dobbs for promoting Ron Paul. Nice!
07-10-08 23:56:46
615ocean ::: Favorites
Ron Paul!!!! Yes We Can!
07-10-08 23:41:09
wmhs02dm ::: Favorites
ron paul is my hero
07-10-08 23:31:39
dingusmungus ::: Favorites
Arizona loves Goyette and Ron Paul!!!
07-10-08 22:17:41
lds23464 ::: Favorites
thank god for Lou Dobbs Dr. Paul need to take Joe Madision up on his three hours!
07-10-08 21:06:24

The Life of Shy-Guy episode 4

Duration: 01:12 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-08 15:53:37
User: NEWdumbich123455432
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Duration: 06:54 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-09 15:50:26
User: Sarsington
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hello, i'm sara, welcome tomy videos about nothing.


1SECRETBILLY ::: Favorites
Make more films Sara ??
07-10-10 23:34:09
jadore7 ::: Favorites
Hi Sara, nice to hear from you. You sound like one very cleaver and sensible lady. Keep up the good work. I agree, men do smell different.
07-10-10 15:06:22
daveTmkio ::: Favorites
Oh it's like that around here with people getting drunk.
07-10-10 14:36:35
artistknownasbeavis ::: Favorites
did you like the way men smell? So are you getting any dates being as that you are around all those boys? How is your love life? Do you live with your parents or do you live on your own?
07-10-10 02:54:41
danceslikeawhiteman ::: Favorites
You are cute but you need to get to the damn point. Don't just talk about trivial stuff. Come here and post vids when you have something trenchant and important to say not just when you have diahrea of the mouth and want to talk about unintersting stuff.
07-10-10 02:08:19
TheRavenOfPoe ::: Favorites
This sounds very similar to my Uni experience, people do get quite crazy through the Uni years with strange schedules and eating habits hehe...
07-10-09 23:44:33
FinalFantasyTux ::: Favorites
I enjoy your vlogging :) I'm not one of those people who want to unsubscribe! I'm a big fan of voices, and you have a really nice one, and along with that sweet accent, you're really up there in my book. I'm in a university also. I actually hope to make a video response soon, but my roommate is always in the room, so it may be a while before I have enough time to respond :) ~S
07-10-09 21:37:23


Duration: 03:40 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-09 22:32:44
User: Xterminate13
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Just another boring Final Fantasy music vid. This one using the fifth element theme.

My First Video

Duration: 01:10 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-09 23:10:02
User: TurkeySubber41
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TripleC Cwalk

Duration: 02:25 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-11 21:41:43
User: Tr1pLeC
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Test Pokemon Diamond Recording

Duration: 00:18 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-10 21:24:33
User: pyrotech13
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done w/ a crappy digital camera. dont feel like dragging out my digital camcorder o.o

General Hospital October 5th Part 2

Duration: 07:50 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-08 14:27:45
User: escg94
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October 5th Part 2 Favorite-Moments

I Need Someone To Write Lyrics For This Song! :)

Duration: 04:33 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-11 14:22:56
User: AbbeyStyles90
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Hey Guys This Is My Song :D Its Copyrighted so dont pinch! lol I need someone to help me out with some lyrics. If you cant write lyrics, any ideas at all will help. Quotes, titles, sayings, anything at all. Every little helps :) Thanks x


imafilipinoweirdo ::: Favorites
ok so im not confused... you wrote the song?? sorry im really slow... o and theres this person who writes lyrics ummm... her screen name is aleishar im not sure if you guys would go good together but yeah... just check her out her lyrics and stuff if you havent heard of her...
07-10-11 21:09:59
imafilipinoweirdo ::: Favorites
did you do this?? like... well i dont know...
07-10-11 20:50:00
AbbeyStyles90 ::: Favorites
Yea i did this lol x
07-10-11 20:54:52
jazzy180594 ::: Favorites
it's really good :] i might try to make lyrics :]
07-10-11 22:17:27

Wii Music

Duration: 00:28 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-10 14:39:56
User: GoNintendoRMC
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Why is the orchestra out in a field?!


icemanlonewolf ::: Favorites
I hope Nintendo really tries to put together a great list of songs. A little bit of something that everyone can enjoy. Classics such as Beethoven/Mozart, but stuff from popular movies such as Star Wars as well. Obviously orchestrated Nintendo classics should be in the game, but I'd like to see Nintendo branch out of the Nintendo world and try to get music from other popular games such as Final Fantasy.
07-10-12 05:16:34
icemanlonewolf ::: Favorites
Rockband is really nothing special though. It's just Guitar Hero. It will be a great party game, but not everyone can get together all the time. As far as Wii Music goes it should be pretty good. I'm expecting a nice variety of modes. If you look at some of the original Wii Music demos from e3 (mainly the drumming demo) you will see that Wii Music offers a lot of freedom in the sense that you can actually create music (ala Jam Sessions DS).
07-10-12 05:05:54
icemanlonewolf ::: Favorites
Well Rockband has been announced for the Wii so him being more excited about this than Rockband hardly shows that he's a Wii fanboy. If anything it says he's a Nintendo fanboy, but you really don't have enough info to validate that only going on what he said.
07-10-12 04:55:34
Ned272829 ::: Favorites
Race mixing destroys the best in both races. 90% of interracial crime is black on white. ww heretical com-> The science of sex! (No porn, signals, tags, dating advice)
07-10-12 02:25:06
modernmindreader ::: Favorites
Hmmm.... Interesting video...
07-10-12 00:19:36
EMH88 ::: Favorites
Because I like Guitar Hero and this game better than rockband?
07-10-11 23:13:43
Kidtuf ::: Favorites
Ugh, what a lame argument. Wii fanboy much?
07-10-11 22:43:35
EMH88 ::: Favorites
This is better than rockband!!! lol kidding but Ill like this more than rockband. Rockband is stupid, if you wanna gt a band so bad just play real music. Guitar Hero is acceptable because its simple enough.
07-10-11 12:23:09
juanesmp ::: Favorites
He he, this looks stupidly fun :P
07-10-11 11:05:20
jables99 ::: Favorites
midi... :|
07-10-10 22:43:23

Kurtlar Vadisi Pusu 13 Bölüm Fragmani

Duration: 01:12 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-08 17:38:04
User: cinetr
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Description: Kurtlar Vadisi Pusu ve Kuzey Rüzgarı canlı yayınlandıktan sonra Full, tek link olarak ilk bizim sitede izleye bilirsiniz


deseo0101 ::: Favorites
vadi vadi vadi bide alemde galatarasay gerisi yalan
07-10-09 10:52:48
kent0470 ::: Favorites
Super !!!! emegine saglik abi
07-10-09 09:02:56

Godshow Part 7 (Conclusion)

Duration: 10:46 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-08 22:05:31
User: scalumnus
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Write what you know, it's a piece of advice that applies even to comedy. So Tim O'Malley has mined his own personal life for his show Godshow The result is an honest, heart-rending and still hilarious show that was a huge hit in the summer of 2003. O'Malley is a second city alum sharing the story of his personal journey from Chicago stage to L.A. sitcoms. It also addresses his family life and an addiction to alcohol and drugs. More than a story of one man's recovery this is a sharp commentary on how things can get out of hand for each and every one of us. O'Malley is joined by Michael J. Gellman and Jimmy Carrane, as well as Otis Fine and Karen Holbert. Nom Holly directs.


poeticabstraction ::: Favorites
Yes! Part 7 is finally up. Godshow in all its glory - I love it. Watching the show in 2003 (I was 3 months sober) was a completely life altering experience. I thought to myself, I could love that Tim O'Malley, and what do you know - I do!!
07-10-10 13:11:18
scalumnus ::: Favorites
hey "girl" it's about time you commented on one or all of these g*dammit! it's part of your contractual me, rate and comment me me me me! yikes i need a meeting i think
07-10-10 14:38:07
poeticabstraction ::: Favorites
Ooooh feisty! That's my baby. I comment as the spirit moves and NOW was the appointed time :-).
07-10-10 14:57:14
SamLocke ::: Favorites
terrific show!
07-10-09 19:58:58
SpasticAV ::: Favorites
I've never read Ulysses, but I've heard about it. I think if I had read Ulysses I'd say that Godshow is like like a hip modern funny version of Ulysses. Great stuff Tim! Jimmy rocks in this.
07-10-09 13:53:12
britethorn ::: Favorites
07-10-09 13:03:44


Duration: 02:36 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-08 16:54:52
User: TevinD
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My Little Brother On Heelys


Eugenitor ::: Favorites
Careful of that water- good way to rust your bearings.
07-10-09 21:19:48
wl7291 ::: Favorites
this is stupid and it sucks, plus learn to spell ya idget
07-10-09 20:19:39